Our Terms


Terms & Conditions – Acceptable User Policy

This Agreement (“Agreement”) is a binding agreement between PadyHost.com (PadyHost.com or MyPady.com) and the person or entity (“you” or “your”) on whose behalf this Agreement is executed. This Agreement governs your use of any and all services and/or support provided by PadyHost.com, including but not limited to web hosting, reseller plans, dedicated cloud servers, data centers, virtual private servers, domain names, and/or web design (“Services”).

Please read this Agreement carefully prior to ordering or using any PadyHost.com Services. This Agreement and any subsequent modifications thereto, exclusively govern your use of the Services subject to applicable local, state, and federal laws. This Agreement represents the complete agreement and understanding between you and PadyHost.com and supersedes any other written or oral agreement. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, you MUST notify the PadyHost.com Billing Department (billing@padyhost.com) to arrange for a closure of your account. You shall continue to be bound by these terms and conditions until your account has been closed by PadyHost.com and confirmation provided with respect to the same. USE OF YOUR ACCOUNT at any time shall constitute your acceptance and approval of the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

Now, therefore, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, you and PadyHost.com agree as follows:

Cancellation of Services in General:

PadyHost.com reserves the right to cancel your service for any reason without prior notice. Where appropriate, any fees paid for yet to be used services may be returned to you on a pro-rated basis. Such discretion is to be consistent with the terms of this Agreement and to the extent that no such term is set forth in this Agreement, discretion rests solely with PadyHost.com as to whether to issue a refund. In some instances, fees are related to licenses or bundles that are not capable of being refunded notwithstanding any remaining term on a contract or subscription. Examples of non-refundable fees include, but are not limited to, domain name registration/transfer, domain protection, additional site builder licenses, SSL certificates, dedicated server orders and fees, downgrade/upgrade fees, fees for any products purchased through PadyHost.com, and IP. In the event that PadyHost.com has cancelled your account and you re-registers with PadyHost.com following said cancellation without the express written consent of PadyHost.com, PadyHost.com reserves the right to cancel your account and retain any and all fees paid to date as a part of that re-registration, regardless of whether any service has been rendered, as a forfeiture related to your unapproved re-registration.

Non-Refundable Fees:

Domain name registration/transfer, domain protection, site builder, setup fees, activation and reactivation fees, license fees, upgrade/downgrade/migration fees, suspension of account for phishing/scam/or other related activities additionally set up services and premium support services are not refundable. Any request to redeem special or free optional services need to be redeemed at the same time of the package start date or the upgrade date of the applicable new package or the right to such special or free services will be waived. Example of such services include, but are not limited to, free domain registration, SSL, static IP, domain ID protection.

Refunds Generally:

Within the first 15 days as a PadyHost.com customer, PadyHost.com will cancel your account and refund all money paid for your hosting service (with the exception of, account termination/suspension related to spam email, scam/phishing activities, Section #2 non-refundable fees) upon receipt of a formal request for cancellation through our cancellation form. During the first 30 days as a PadyHost.com customer, PadyHost.com will cancel your account and offer a pro-rated refund for all unused hosting fees based on PadyHost.com’s standard, non-discounted monthly package pricing upon receipt of an express request for cancellation by the PadyHost.com Billing Department (billing@padyhost.com). If you have multiple registrations with PadyHost.com, your starting date as a PadyHost.com customer is defined as the earliest date that you become a client with PadyHost.com. The following services are expressly excluded from the aforementioned refunds:

  • Padyhost Hatch Hosting Plan
  • Domain registration, transfer, and ID protection;
  • Private SSL;
  • All service fees in section 2 as defined herein;
  • Additional static IPs;
  • Additional site builder licenses;
  • Licensed products purchased through PadyHost.com.
  • Closure of your account does not automatically or necessarily entitle you to a refund of any fees due or paid.

Non-Transferability of Accounts:

PadyHost.com accounts cannot be transferred or used by anyone other than the subscriber. You may not sell, lease, rent or assign accounts to any party that has not expressly accepted and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Shared hosting accounts cannot be used for resale purposes. Violations of any of the provisions of this Section are grounds for the suspension and/or violation of a user account. Any and all sites hosted by PadyHost.com must be registered with the same entity unless expressly and previously authorized in writing by PadyHost.com . Account/hosting service/domain name transfer must be approved by the PadyHost.com Billing Department (billing@padyhost.com)

Indemnification of PadyHost.com:

You agree to, and shall, without limitation or exception, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless PadyHost.com and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, co-branders, partners, and employees from and against any claim, demand, action, damages, liability, loss, costs, or expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, due in whole or in part to any breach or violation of this Agreement, including, but not limited to:

  • any of the events described in this Agreement;
  • any breach of this Agreement by you;
  • any information or data loss that you submit, post, transmit, or receive as a part of any service offered by PadyHost.com;
  • your use of any service offered by PadyHost.com
  • your violation of any third party rights; or
  • any act or omission by you or your agents.

Permitted Use:

Services provided to you by PadyHost.com may only be used for lawful purposes. The transmission or publication of any information, data, or material in violation of any federal or state regulation or law is strictly prohibited and grounds for immediate cancellation of your account. This includes, but is not limited to, material protected by copyright, trade secret or any other statute, threatening material, obscene material, material that is deemed to be suited for “adults only,” pornography, child pornography, as well as links to or instructions for accessing the foregoing. PadyHost.com reserves the right to remove any and all materials which infringe on copyright work or in response to a Digital Millennium Copyright Act take down notice or that otherwise violate permitted use of the services offered by PadyHost.com. Examples of non-acceptable content or links include, but are not limited to, hacker applications/archives, “Warez” sites, proxy applications, IRC, rapidleech (and similar), torrents, torrents listings, and spam applications.

Warrant to PadyHost.com .

You warrant that:

  • You shall ensure that the use of PadyHost.com services shall not disrupt PadyHost.com, its associated networks or equipment forming part of the systems, or the permitted activities of other users of any PadyHost.com service.
  • You will maintain the security of all files and content installed under your hosting account and that you will maintain any software installed to up to date version in order to avoid security breaches.
  • You will not utilize an excessive amount of system resources and in those instances in which PadyHost.com deems an excessive amount of system resources to be utilized by you, PadyHost.com reserves the right to place a limit on any process or service in your account to prevent disruption of service to other customers.
  • You will not use of PadyHost.com services in a manner that is disruptive, damaging, unlawful, offensive, or intrusive as determined solely by PadyHost.com.
  • You will not send unsolicited mass mailings from another service that in any way implicates the use of PadyHost.com services, PadyHost.com equipment, or any site hosted on any PadyHost.com network.
  • You will not utilize any PadyHost.com service, equipment, or e-mail address in connection with the transmission of the same or substantially similar unsolicited message to 50 or more recipients or eight or more news groups in a single day.
  • Any material submitted for publication using any PadyHost.com service does not violate or infringe any copyright, trademark, patent, statutory common law or proprietary interest of others or contain anything obscene or libelous.
  • You are over the age of eighteen (18) years or are a parent or guardian of a user that is under the age of eighteen years of age and are authorized and able to enter into this Agreement.
  • You will cooperate in the investigation of any material that could be infringing on a third party’s copyright.
  • You will comply with other organizations’ networks or computing resources and comply with their respective permission and usage policies.

Domain Renewal:

For all new domains, you agree to pay an annual, non-refundable registration fee. These fees will appear on your billing statement unless prior arrangements are made with our customer service department. It is your sole responsibility to cancel the renewal once the domain has been invoiced and must occur within seven days prior to your renewal date. Any renewal that is processed will not be refunded. The Client agrees to contact PadyHost.com in the event of an expired domain name he owns with further information regarding the continuation/cancellation of the aforementioned service.

Directory Listings.

You agree that PadyHost.com may identify you in any relevant subscriber directory.

Hosting Limits.

Hosting space is intended for normal use only, and is limited to Web files, e-mail and content of the hosted Web sites, not for storage of media or other data nor for the sole purpose of mass e-mail/solicitation. Hosting space may not be used as off site storage for electronic files or for third party electronic mail or FTP hosts. You are responsible for removing any files which do not meet these requirements, and for adhering to any hosting space (disk usage) limits allocated to your account(s). Failure to do so may result in removal and deletion of such materials, and/or in discontinuation of your services or account. MS SQL remote management/connections: the provided remote connection interface is to be used with the purpose of managing your MS SQL database remotely and NOT for the purpose of using our MS SQL for remote SQL storage for other sites/applications – violating this rule will result in account suspension.


You must formally notify PadyHost.com of any cancellation by completing an Account Cancellation Form available by clicking here in order to cancel your account with us. PadyHost.com will not process any other requests submitted outside of our Account Cancellation Form. Absent a valid cancellation, PadyHost.com will automatically renew your account for the next billing cycle one month before the account expiration date. Orders received for previously canceled accounts will not be processed and accounts will not be activated. Credit/Debit card chargeback will result in automatic cancellation and deletion of the customer’s account from our servers. A N5,000.00 (two thousand naira only) re-activation fee will apply to all suspended accounts due to non-payments of due fees. There will be a N5,000.00 (two thousand naira only) reinstating fee for any cancel account. Transferring your domain to another provider does not constitute canceling your PadyHost.com account.

Service Fees.

(PADYHost reserves the right to charge the following non-refundable fees) – Domain Migration (from one Billing account with PADYHost to another) – N2,000.00 – Hosting plan migration (from one Billing account with PADYHost to another) – N5,000.00 – Account Upgrade /downgrade/ OS change to cancel account – N5,000.00 – VPS/Cloud recreation (when the problem was created by the client) – N4,000.00 – Reinstating fee for cancel/suspended package/account – N5,000.00 – Reinstating of a Chargeback or Reversal will incurred an additional N5,000.00 billing fee in additional to any reinstating fee. – Web builder cancellation fee if already activated – N2,000.00 – Account Recreation Fee – N2,000.00 – Premium Support Service fees shall be billed at PadyHost.com discretion, other fee may also be ascribed to a service is will be subject to client asseptance.

All fees, discussed in #12 of PadyHost.com Terms and Conditions are charged ONLY upon demand and with the clients knowledge.


PadyHost.com may communicate with you through e-mail for issues related to billing, changes, additions and modifications to the network. It is your responsibility to provide a valid and operational electronic mail address and to check that address for e-mail sent to you. It is your further responsibility to inform PadyHost.com of any changes to your account, such as phone number, address, credit card information. You may be required to provide verification for security purposes authorizing you to make any changes to an account. The use of profanity in language, or abuse towards any PadyHost.com employee via chat, e-mail, phone, e-ticket system, or in any other form will result in a complete block from the PadyHost.com support system and subject your account to cancellation without a refund.

Backup and Data Loss:

PadyHost.com is not responsible for files or data loss. It is the client full responsibility for file and data transfer and maintaining backup file of your own account. Backup are used solely by PadyHost.com for emergency or server restoration only. There will be no backups for accounts that have been suspended or terminated. PadyHost.com will not be responsible for any data loss related to accounts that have past due invoice or suspended due to non-payment. PadyHost.com will not be responsible for any data loss.

Uptime Guarantee:

If your shared hosting account downtime is not within the 99.9% uptime, you may request for credit on your account based on our Service Level Agreement. Uptime of the server is defined as the reported hardware and network availability, not uptime from individual service which is independent of the actual uptime of the server. Third party monitoring services reports may not be used for justification due to unreliable monitor’s network capacity/transit availability. To requests credit, please open a support ticket to report your claim with justification based on our term and condition. Credit approval is at the discretion of PadyHost.com.


By using any PadyHost.com services, you agree to submit to binding arbitration. An arbitrator from the Nigerian Arbitration Association will be selected in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja of Nigeria. Arbitrators shall be attorneys or retired judges and shall be selected pursuant to the applicable rules. All disputes or claims arise against PadyHost.com or its subsidiaries, client agreed that the arbitrator will be select by PadyHost.com. All decisions rendered by the arbitrator will be binding and final. The arbitrator’s award is final and binding on all parties. The Federal Arbitration Act, and not any state arbitration law, governs all arbitration under this Arbitration Clause. You are also responsible for any and all costs related to such arbitration.

Disclaimer of Warranties:

PadyHost.com makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed, statutory, or implied for any of the services provided under this Agreement and expressly disclaims the same. The aforementioned includes but is not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for use, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. Your use of any PadyHost.com service is at your sole risk. Any and all PadyHost.com services are provided on an “as is” basis and “as available” basis. Unless otherwise set forth herein, PadyHost.com expressly disclaims all promises, representations, and warranties relating to any and all PadyHost.com services and add-on software or 3rd party software, including but not limited to their condition, their conformity to any representations or description, and the existence of any patent or latent defects. PadyHost.com further makes no warranty that any service offered by PadyHost.com will:

  • meet your requirements or expectations;
  • be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free;
  • be accurate or reliable with respect to any results obtained from the use of any service offered by PadyHost.com;
  • that any errors or defects in any service offered by PadyHost.com will be capable of correction.

Under no circumstance at any time should any advice or information, whether written or oral, proffered by PadyHost.com or its agents create any expectation or warranty that contravenes the disclaimers set forth above.

Limitation of Liability.

You expressly acknowledge and agree that PadyHost.com shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary losses or damages, including without limitation damages for lost profits, goodwill, use, data, down time, failure to realize savings, or other indirect loss (even if advised as to the possibility of such damages) resulting from:

  • the use or the inability to use any service offered by PadyHost.com;
  • any breach of a representation or warranty to a third-party with respect to any good or service sold by you and involving the use of any service offered by PadyHost.com;
  • unauthorized access to, alternation of, or disclosure of your data as it relates to any service offered by PadyHost.com;
  • any other matter relating to any service offered by PadyHost.com;

No Agency.

The relationship between you and PadyHost.com is that of independent contractors, and no agency, partnership, joint venture, employee-employer or franchiser-franchisee relationship is intended or created by this Agreement.

No Assignment.

Your right to use any service provided by PadyHost.com is not transferable and is subject to any limits established by PadyHost.com. You may not assign or transfer this Agreement in whole or in part to any third party without PadyHost.com ’s express, written consent, which shall be given, if at all, in PADYHost’s sole discretion. PadyHost.com may assign this Agreement at will.

Binding Obligation and Authority.

You represent and warrant that you have read and understood this Agreement and that it constitutes a valid and legally binding agreement; and that you have full power, authority and legal capacity to enter into this Agreement and perform your obligations hereunder. If you are registering on behalf of a company or other entity, you agree that you have the authority to bind such company. This Agreement shall be inure to the benefit of, be binding upon, and be enforceable by the parties it describes and their respective officers, directors, employees, representatives, successors, and permitted assigns.


You agree that notices to you may be made via e-mail or regular mail. You also agree that notice of changes to this Agreement or other matters may be made by displaying notices or links to notices to you. Notices to PadyHost.com may be made by such contact information as may be designated by PadyHost.com for such purpose. PadyHost.com may modify the terms and conditions of this Agreement, modify the prices of any Services governed by this Agreement, as well as discontinue or change the scope of any such Services with or without prior notification.

Force Majeure.

PadyHost.com shall not be responsible for delays or failures in performing its obligations under this Agreement due to events of force majeure or any other cause beyond its reasonable control.


PadyHost.com is the exclusive owner of all offered services except when any such service is offered under license. Under no circumstance are you to be considered an owner of any PadyHost.com services or property. All communications to and from PadyHost.com personnel via e-ticket, e-mail, and live chat are confidential and property of PadyHost.com , and can not be disclosed or distributed to any third-party without the express written consent of PadyHost.com.

Entire Agreement.

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement supersedes all prior proposals, negotiations, conversations, discussions and agreements between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof. This Agreement may be amended by PadyHost.com upon PadyHost.com’s posting of a new version at https://wordpress-245751-1358308.cloudwaysapps.com/terms-and-conditions


If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction in which it is performed, then the meaning of that section shall be interpreted, to the extent feasible, in a way that renders it enforceable. If no feasible interpretation is possible, the section will be severed from the rest of this Agreement and the rest of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect. No such severing shall affect the interpretation of the applicable provision or any other part hereof in any other jurisdiction or with respect to any other facts or circumstances.


Section headings provided herein are for convenience only and form no part of this Agreement and will not affect the interpretation of this Agreement.


The failure of PadyHost.com to enforce or require enforcement of any provision of this Agreement will not constitute or be construed to be a waiver of its right to enforce or requirement enforcement of that or any other provision now or in the future.


Any cause of action arising out of or related to this Agreement must commence within one (1) year after the cause of action arose or any such cause of action is otherwise permanently barred. All provisions in this Agreement regarding representations and warranties, indemnification, disclaimers, ownership, and limitations on liability shall survive any termination of this Agreement, except as expressly set forth therein to the contrary.

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